
This beginning of my week started with an outburst of frustration that resulted in my phone being broken. I was pissed.

To me, that meant no alarm to wake me up for work. It meant I couldn’t turn on my lights ( there are definitely pro’s and con’s to having a Phillips Hue). It meant I couldn’t talk to my friends every moment of the day at the time when I felt like I needed them the most.

It meant silence.


No one calling me. No one sending me Glides. No notifications. No news feeds. No likes. No DM’s. No Facebook. No nothing.


I made the decision to hold off on getting my phone fixed, and it was the best decision I’ve made in a while. This week reminded of the things that I enjoy. It reminded me how much I love to read. It reminded me how to be present in conversations. To work hard at a task, without interruption. It reminded me that I don’t need music to work out and that I need anyone’s permission to do exactly what I want to do when I want to do it.


I feel like I’ve gotten so much time back. I was wasting hour after hour scrolling through timelines. Wishing for things to happen that I felt like were out of my reach. But this week, this week was truly blissful.

Being phoneless was a big wake up call for me in so many ways. One of them is how anxious I am when my phone is in my hand. If it’s not in my hand I’m usually looking for it or making sure I didn’t forget it. This week that wasn’t it. This week I wasn’t waiting for anyone to call me or get back to me. I wasn’t waiting to hear about anyone’s day, anyone’s week, anyone’s relationship. I was alone with my thoughts and my books and I was fine. This was exactly what I needed and I’m in no rush to get back in the swing of social media.

This week reminded me of how important it is to take advantage of the time that you have to do the things that you truly enjoy. Take some time to unplug.

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